Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Bicycle on a Cloud

Not my that great of a store, but look how cute the business card was.
A fun little photo with my brother.

Here are two more vintage shops that I found this weekend. I'm pretty sure that I wasn't supposed to take photos, but I tried to snap a few anyway. My soon to be stepfather found these stores in the shadier neighborhoods of the city. It really wasn't all that bad, but I never would have found them by myself. We went to Knee Deep first, and I guess appearances can be really deceiving because I did not think that I would find much from the outside look of the place. I was mistaken. This store easily became a favorite of mine. Maybe it had something to do with the one dollar sale (I found three dresses and a jacket) or the most perfectly fitting dress that was squished in the racks. I am always nervous when trying on vintage clothing because I don't want to fall in love with something then have it not fit me. Trust me, it has happened plenty of times since curves and big ribs were not the body type that many of the clothes were made for. But to my surprise, the dress felt like it was specially made for me. I couldn't resist.

I know that I keep writing about all of the great vintage deals that I have been finding lately, and I really want to show them to you. Don't worry, they will all make it to the blog eventually, but I just don't have a great way to display them. I love when bloggers lay out their clothing on cool wood floors and then take pictures of them, but unfortunately I only have boring carpet. And all of the photos that I have taken of them hanging in my closet just don't produce the wow factor since they look odd on the hanger. The only other way I can get pictures of them is if I am wearing them, but going to a private school and all only allows me to wear real clothes on the weekends. I will definitely wear some of my finds this weekend and get the pictures up on the blog.
Until next time, Mandy


  1. What a fun vintage store! Love that second photo. Hey! And you could SO get some long wood (about 4" wide) at Lowe's for $2 per plank, and just piece them together for your photo shoot. :)

  2. yeah: that first vintage shop looks AWESOME!!

    also- tagged you in this post: http://talesforkarina.blogspot.com/2012/03/eleven-things-once-more.html
